Violin PANDA

How to Start Playing the Violin as an Adult from scratch

a smiling beautiful lady holding the violin

Are you ready to take the plunge and start learning the violin as an adult? It can be daunting but rest assured, it’s never too late to pick up a new skill and learning to play the violin can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the right guidance and some consistent practice, you’ll be playing like a pro in no time. So, get your violin and bow and let’s dive right in!

Finding the Right Violin


When it comes to finding the right violin for you, as an adult beginner, you’ll want to invest in a quality instrument that fits your budget and skill level. You don’t have to break the bank to get started, beginner violins can be found anywhere from $100 to $800. A higher-quality instrument will provide a better sound, but it’s also important to purchase an instrument that you feel comfortable with and that fits your skill level. As your skills improve, you can always upgrade to a higher-quality instrument.

Another thing to consider when finding the right violin is the size. Violins come in different sizes. finding the right size for you is important for comfort and for producing a good sound. As an adult beginner, you’ll probably want to start with a full-size violin. But if you have smaller hands or shorter arms, a ¾ or ½ size violin may be a better fit. And don’t be afraid to ask for help, a qualified teacher or violin expert can help you determine the right size for you.

One of the best ways to find the right violin for you is to try out different ones. This will give you a sense of how they feel and how they sound. You can try violins at a music store, or ask if you can borrow one from a friend or teacher to test it out. And if you’re buying online, make sure to read reviews and do your research before making a purchase.

Check out the video  below where I talked about tips to help you in choosing your violin:

Get a Method and Lesson Book

Next, you’ll want to grab a beginner violin method book and a lesson book. Look for a book that includes a CD or online audio so you can hear how the exercises and pieces should sound. This is a great way to get a sense of the rhythm and melody of the piece you’re working on and it will help you develop a good ear for music. A few recommendations for beginner violin method books are: “Essential Elements for Strings” by Michael Allen and Robert Gillespie, “Suzuki Violin School” by Shinichi Suzuki and “The ABCs of Violin” by Janice Tucker Rhoda.

Find a Qualified Teacher

Now, it’s time to find a qualified violin teacher. This can be either in-person or online. A good teacher will guide you through the basics of technique and help you develop good practice habits. They will also be able to provide you with feedback on your playing and help you work through any challenges you may be facing. You can find a violin teacher in your area by searching online or asking for recommendations from friends and family. You can also take adult violin classes or lessons online with a qualified teacher who can guide you through the process of learning to play the violin. I have taught many students online and it has proven to be effective. If you’re interested you can request an invite or even enrol in my free mini beginner violin course.

Join a Violin Learning Community

You can also join an online community of adult beginner violinists like mine. This is a great way to learn and practice with other adult learners who are at the same level as you. Learning to play the violin is not easy, and it can be tough to stay motivated when you’re feeling frustrated. Joining a violin learning community gives you the opportunity to connect with other adults who are going through the same thing as you. You’ll be able to share your struggles, your accomplishments, and your love for music with people who get it. This sense of community can be incredibly motivating and will help you push through the tough days. 

By playing for other people in a violin community, you’ll get valuable feedback that will help you improve faster. You’ll be able to hear how you sound to others, and you’ll be able to figure out what you need to work on. Plus, learning from other adult learners can give you a new perspective on different techniques and approaches to playing the violin. With the help of a violin community, you’ll be able to level up your skills in no time.

Practice your violin Regularly

practise violin

Speaking of practice, you’ll want to set aside some time each day to work on your skills. Aim for at least 20-30 minutes a day, gradually increasing the amount of time as you become more comfortable with the instrument. But don’t worry, you won’t have to practice for hours on end. A little bit of practice each day can make a huge difference! Consistency is key and it’s more important to practice regularly rather than for longer periods of time. How-to-practice-your-violin-properly-a-guide-for-the-beginners-who-want-to-be-pros

Proper Posture and Instrument Positioning

When it comes to posture and instrument positioning, you want to make sure you’re holding the violin correctly and placing it against your shoulder. The correct posture is crucial for producing a good sound and it will also help prevent any strain or discomfort while playing. You can find many tutorials online that demonstrate the correct posture for playing the violin. And don’t forget about the bow! Hold it correctly and learn the proper way to make contact with the strings.

Basic Violin Exercises and Sheet Music

close-up of a violin and bow, with sheet music in the background

Now, onto the fun stuff! You’ll want to start with basic

exercises such as scales and arpeggios. These will help you develop finger strength and dexterity, as well as improve your intonation and tone. And once you’ve got the basics down, you’ll be able to tackle more advanced pieces.

Reading sheet music is also an important skill to have. It will enable you to play a wide variety of pieces and expand your repertoire. So, don’t be afraid to dive into the world of sheet music. You can start by learning to read the basic notation and then gradually learn more complex pieces.

Listen to Recordings and Attend Live Concerts

And finally, don’t forget to listen to recordings of other violinists and attend live concerts to gain inspiration and learn from more experienced players. This is a great way to learn new techniques and to get a sense of the different styles of playing.

Learning to play the violin as an adult may seem daunting, but with the right guidance, consistent practice and a sense of humour, you’ll be playing like a pro in no time. So, grab your violin, and let’s make some beautiful music together!

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